Spirit Rock Reservation

Spirit Rock Guidelines:

  • The spirit rock is available to any member of the Rucker Family to promote school spirit.

  • The spirit rock can be decorated to celebrate birthdays, academic/athletic performance, and any other appropriate events.

  • Funds raised will be used by the PTO.

  • Reservations are a first-come, first serve basis.

  • A confirmed reservation with payment received is required to paint the spirit rock.

  • All reservations must be paid in cash.

  • Once the reservation is confirmed, payment must be received within two (2) business days or spirit rock becomes available again.

  • A reservation last 24 hours from 5pm day before reserved day until 5pm reserved day.

Spirit Rock Reservation Procedure:

  1. Check your desired date on the calendar located at the bottom of page. The calendar is in agenda view, so a missing date means an available date.

  2. Complete the registration form located at the bottom of page.

  3. Check email for reservation confirmation.

  4. Send cash payment to school within two business days.

  5. You will be notified that your reservation is complete.

  6. Make plans to decorate the spirit rock any time after 5pm day before reserved day.

  7. Paint the rock with a design that is appropriate.

  8. Clean up the area before leaving.

Spirit Rock Decoration Guidelines:

  • All paint and painting supplies must be provided.

  • The school is not responsible for providing a painter or supplies.

  • A base coat may require at least two (2) cans of spray paint.

  • All rules as outlined in the LCSD student rights, responsibilities, and character development handbook and Code of Student Conduct MUST be obeyed. No exceptions. (No bullying, no profanity, obscenity, or derogatory language.)

  • In the event of inclement weather, your reservation may be moved to the next available day at your request. No refunds will be given.



Roadside Display

Located by the main entrance of A. R. Rucker, your work of art will definitely catch the attention of ALL traffic!

Cost: $15

Curbside Display

Located by the main office of A. R, Rucker, your personalized message will definitely catch the attention of ALL school visitors!

Cost: $10